The final Stretch

I'm so proud of what everyone has accomplished on this team. Ezra, Jacob, Kalil and Khalil, everyone really putting in so much love and effort into this project. But that only makes it all the sadder how butchered this product has become. So many good ideas, with pure intentions, all squandered and thrown away due to factors out of our control. What we have made as a team is still something to be proud of, something that we will carry with us for a long, long time, yet still, there will always be a stone tied to that love note that is this game. Dragging it down into the river, wishing it had the ability to float back to the surface.

I'm kind of sad about not doing more of these devlogs, they were a pretty fun way to just vent, or process what was happening in development, but these past few months have all been a blur, and writing never seems to be enough. Still, this may be the last devlog until this game, whatever it turns out to be, is released to the public. Have mercy on my soul.

Files 200 MB
Jun 06, 2023

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