Update 11/28/22

Back again with just some general thoughts on the process as it happens. I think that overall this devlog is going to be more about how I FEEL during development instead of the nitty gritty of what happened week to week. It's not really important WHAT changed, but HOW it got done in my opinion, and lessons learned after every sprint will come back to a complete course of knowledge at the end...or so I hope.

So this last 2 weeks were a bit different. I got the chance to really dig my teeth into development somewhere that wasn't my main computer, my main office, and that gave me a moment to reflect on how much your scenery can affect your workflow. Here at home, my computer that I develop on is the same one that I play games on, do homework on, veg out on. Over there, at my parents house, there's an overwhelming feeling that I'm being watched, judged, looked at, even though I know that my parents don't know any details on what I do nor how much effort I need to put in.

Still, it kind of squeezes a toxic sort of productivity out of you. A feeling that if you aren't working, someone will see or judge you, and that that is something to avoid by simply taking less breaks. Maybe a useful feeling to have in times of crunch, but in times of mid development? All it does is make my work feel rushed. Thoughts for the future, I suppose.



Carbon Zero 11-28-22.zip 304 MB
Nov 28, 2022

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