Update 11/11/22

This was our first sprint post-MVP. We got a ton of feedback from a few people, and spent the two weeks organizing it all and trying to make heads or tails of where we're going with it next. QOL, Bugfixes, and whole refactors, all thrown at our face in one week, it can be pretty daunting. Getting feedback that you already know about can be crushing, and pretty demoralizing as well. You're just sitting there thinking "Yeah I already know about those issues, can you just read my mind and only comment on the stuff that I DONT know about?", but of course that's not fair to the testers and honestly doesn't help in isolating what is a high priority. That's a lesson learned from this first round of feedback: even if it's an issue you already know about, if multiple people bring it up, then it is glaring and distracting, and should be first priority.


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